The Solomon Bar is one of the more versatile ties in the paracording genre of knot tying. Although most prefer the straight line, in this video you will learn how to tie a bent line in your knot. You ...
Sure, you could start hunting with a rifle, but the true hunters do bow hunting. If you're interested in getting into bow hunting in general, this video has all the info you will need. You will learn ...
If you're ever stuck in the jungles of Southeast Asia, then your only hope for survival is the parang knife, which is a Malayan type machete. This is the ideal tool for the jungle, especially in Malay ...
In this video, you'll learn about friction fire lighting using wild bamboo sticks. So, if you're ever stuck out in Thailand on a cold and damp night, cut down some bamboo and light your own campfire t ...
If you can't find your way back from your hike up the snow covered mountain, and there's a winter storm brewing, you better hope you have your storm shelter in your sack! This video will show you what ...
Forget surviving the wilderness— surviving the city is hard enough! This video talks about herbs, bushes, plants and trees that you can use in a survival situation in an urban environment. If you're d ...
In order to pattern a wool blanket shirt, you'll need a blanket, scissors, a needle, and thread. Lay your blanket out on the floor. Fold it over at 2/3 of the way. Lay down on the blanket, in o ...
In this Disaster Preparation video tutorial you will learn how to tie cylinder, mat and ball Turk's head knots. To tie the cylinder, first tie the double coin knot as shown in the video. Then put it a ...
In this video, we learn how to make a shirt out of a wool blanket. This is great if you need something really warm to sleep in or wear out around. First, design the shirt so it's longer on the back th ...
In this video, we learn how to prepare yourself for a major disaster. If you haven't planned ahead for storing water, you are going to be in big trouble. Your first option is to go purchase liters of ...