In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a char cloth. The materials required for this process are: cloth, container and tinder. The cloth must be made of any woven, cotton material. Begin by ...
Being in the wilderness for an extended amount of time can be bad for your health. One thing it can do for you is cause major problems in the personal hygiene department. Find out how to keep yourself ...
Making a coiled basket can have be used for a variety or reasons, including the ability to carry much needed water. This four part tutorial teaches you how to make a coiled basket using the wilderness ...
Staying warm is important to making sure that you survive. Whether it be the end of the world or you find yourself lost in the wilderness, keeping dry and warm is key to survival. In this two part tut ...
Ever hear of David and Goliath? Well the weapon that David used was none other than a sling. A sling is a very old, but still effective tool that can possibly help save your life someday, especially w ...
The wilderness can be a tough place to be found in. There are a plethora of problems that can arise, but being without clothing can be a problem. Especially when your clothing relies on buttons. Find ...
Fire is something that no camper or survivalist can be without. There are many different methods that can be used to make a nice warm fire. One way is by using char cloth. So in this four part tutoria ...
Surviving in the wilderness can be tough. But for anybody who is smart enough and has learned a few tricks, they can make it out alive and well. So in this video tutorial, you'll learn what it takes t ...
The wilderness can give you all sorts of different types of material needed to survive. If you need food making a trap can be made with ease, but what if you need glue? Well in this two part tutorial, ...
Finding yourself lost in the desert is not good news. Especially if you are without food, water, or even shelter. So in this three part video tutorial, you'll find out how to take care of one of your ...