This video is just to show you how to make fire from steel and lint. What more do you need to know? Use an Altoids tin to hold your kit. Just make sure your children don't think it's candy. ...
This video will tell you all you need to know to get that fire of yours started using an aluminum fire piston. Never leave home without this, that is, if you live in the woods. ...
Use a bow and drill set to make fire. The spindle is extended using a deer canon bone and the chuck is yucca with a black willow bit on the top. The hand hold is an elk knuckle and the hearthboard i ...
With tips from this video, make a soda can stove. First, cut the bottom off. Poke holes with a knife into the side of the lid. Make a piece for the inside of the stove. ...
Turn a pop can into a candle lantern. Create a sharp edge with flint. ...
Create primitive fire with these survival tricks and tips. Enjoy the didgeridoo in the background! ...
Watch BBC's Ray Mears to learn how to participate in some traditional product exchanges that have been passed down through Nomadic generations in Mongolia. ...
Ray Mears travels to Savaii to learn the art of making a canoe. Learn how to make a canoe with tips from the BBC. ...