Hot Survival Training Posts

How To: Tie a bloody knuckle knot

A bloody knuckle knot is the result of a row of half hitches fused with a blood knot--this video teaches you how to tie one. Make two loops with your rope then loop them over your thumb. Take the tail of the rope and keep making loops and adding them to the others on your thumb, to produce a row of loops. When you have five loops, slide them off your thumb, take the end of the rope and pass it through the loops. Pull out the slack but do not tighten, then take the other tail and pass it throu...

How To: Prepare a winter emergency car kit

It is a compulsory work for every one who owns cars to arrange emergency kits for the car. For the first step, you should keep food items like water and food material. Keep the emergency book which contains what to do when a car goes into repair. Then carry a radium type object which will shine in the night during the repairing of the car. Then arrange the emergency lights near the back part of the car for repairing of the car.

How To: Cook bacon and eggs in a paper bag

It is very simple to cook. First you take one paper bag and bacon and eggs. Then keep the bacon in the bag and keep eggs in a normal water bottle to freeze it. After that you can keep both the bacon and eggs in the paper bag. Then put the bag onto a stick. The bag should stay over the heat with the help of the stick. This process should continue for 7-8 minutes. Then you are ready to eat bacon and eggs.

How To: Tie the caterpillar sinnet

Learn tot tie the caterpillar sinnet with this video tutorial. 1. To start the sinnet, place rope in hands with one piece in your left hand and the other in your right. 2. With the rope piece in your right hand, create a loop with the top of the loop being the piece from your left hand. 3. Take the piece of rope in your right hand and slip a small piece of rope through the loop. 4. Gently pull the rope in your left hand tight. This will have created a new loop and link below it. 5. To create ...

How To: Tie the triple goddess knot

Learn to tie the triple goddess knot with this video tutorial. First you will need a nice size piece of string. Make a small loop with one side of the string close to the middle. Second, make a second loop with the other side of the string close to the middle. Third,cross the right hanging part of the string over the left string to form a small circle under and between the two bigger loops. Insert the end of the left string into the underside of the left loop to form a split loop. Do the same...

How To: Tie a single-strand ringbolt hitch

JD of Tying it all together, is the instructor. He has many instructional knot tying videos. This particular video is focused on tying a single strand ringbolt hitch, A.K.A. Coxcombing. This was a common knot used by sailors to decorate items and parts of their ship. However, actually creating this tie is much easier said than done.

How To: Tie the spiral knot

This video shows you step by step how to tie a spiral knot. In math, a spiral is a curve starting from a central point, getting further away as it revolves from the point. The ancient Chinese considered the spiral to be a symbol of the sun, the Celts and Greeks consider it a symbol of growth and evolution. Here you'll learn everything you need to do to tie this beautiful knot. It's quick and easy follow for you knot lovers.

How To: Tie the padlock knot

The padlock knot is designed to look like a padlock, but without the actual function of one. In order to tie this knot take your rope or string and fold it in half. After you have done that make a loop with both sides of the rope making sure you leave a loop at the top. Put the two loops together the one in the front turning clockwise and the one in the back counter-clockwise. Make sure to leave a hole in the center for the rope to pass through. Now wind each piece of rope through the hole in...

How To: Carve a net needle out of wood

Carving a net needle from wood is probably easier than you think as long as you have your trusty Swiss army knife at hand. It has a wide array of available tools in a small unit. First you will need a piece of balsa wood. It should be 1/8 of an inch thick by 3 inches wide and 8 inches tall. Using the sharp narrow blade of the knife, you will cut 3 reference holes in a triangular pattern. The points of the triangle should be 1 inch apart at the bottom and the triangle should be 2 inches high. ...

How To: How to tie an eye splice with rope

The eye splice might sound like some horrible procedure from the lab of Dr. Frankenstein, but it's actually a very useful skill to learn for camping or disaster preparation. Eye splicing is a way to secure different strands of rope together so they're stronger than a knot. In this tutorial, the guys at ITS Tactical show us how to do an eye splice.

How To: Tie a pitzen knot

The pitzen knot has various uses, but it's ideal for securing a hook to a fishing line. It's relatively easy to learn and quick to do once you know how. In this video the folks at ITS Tactical teach you how to tie a pitzen knot.

How To: Tie a trucker's hitch

The trucker's hitch is a good, strong knot with many uses. It's ideal for securing a load in a vehicle, and was used that way dating back to the days of wagons hauled by horses. In this video the folks at ITS Tactical teach you how to tie a trucker's hitch, quick and easy.

How To: Tie a snake knot

The snake knot is mostly decorative, not ideal for situations requiring a really strong knot. You can use it to make keychains and do all sorts of other things. In this video the folks at ITS Tactical teach you how to tie a snake knot quickly and easily.

How To: Tie a Swiss seat knot

If you want to rappel down walls like a Navy SEAL, the Swiss seat knot is an essential skill to learn. With it, you can quickly create a modified rappelling harness. The guys at ITS Tactical have got you covered in this video showing how to tie a Swiss seat knot.

How To: Slipping out of zip ties

You're a prisoner of some dangerous people, and they tell you to hold out your wrists so they can bind them together using zip ties. What you do next could mean the difference between life and death. This tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical will teach you how to strategically get your wrists tied in a way that's easy to escape from.

How To: Escape from zip ties using shims

The odds are that you'll never find yourself being held prisoner with your hands bound together with zip ties. But if you ever are, you'll be very grateful for the info you learned from this video. In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to escape from zip ties using shims. You can use all sorts of things for shimming, from professional equipment to your own fingernails.

How To: Escape from zip ties

Zip ties are stronger than they look, and escaping from them is tricky. In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to quickly escape from zip ties. If you should ever find yourself kidnapped by terrorists, held for ransom or kept prisoner in a serial killer's basement, you'll be very glad you watched this video!

How To: Tie useful knots in a survival situation

If you somehow find yourself stranded in the woods, you'll need to know how to tie strong knots. But it's actually just as important to know how to untie knots. You probably have limited rope, after all, and you'll need to re-use it. In this video Reggie Bennett from the Mountain Shepherd Survival School shows us how to tie and untie knots.

How To: Create an A-frame shelter

If you were lost in the forest, how would you shelter yourself from the elements? In this video, Reggie Bennett from the Mountain Shepherd Survival School teaches us how to build an A-frame structure in the woods, even if you don't have standing trees or cord available. You never know, this info might just save your life someday!

How To: Survive in the woods

If you were lost in the woods tomorrow, would you know how to survive? In this video, Reggie Bennett from the Mountain Shepherd Survival School teaches us the skills for surviving in the wild. From how to start a fire to knowing which kinds of berries are safe to eat, this is the sort of info that it's vital to know in case of emergencies.

How To: Build a lean-to

Reggie Bennett from the Mountain Shepherd Survival School demonstrates how to build a lean-to in the woods. One of the chief advantages of a lean-to structure is that one side remains open, so you can warm yourself by a fire. Knowing how to build a lean-to is a skill you'll be glad to have.

How To: Build a tepee

In this tutorial, Reggie Bennett from the Mountain Shepherd Survival School teaches us how to build a tepee. First used by American Indians, the tepee remains a useful way of providing shelter in a hurry. Whether you're lost in the woods or just spending a few days camping for fun, building a tepee is a good skill to know.

News: Make Fire With a Condom

From Wildwood Survival, how to make fire with a condom and water. Okay, so article author Rob Bicevskis doesn't use a condom (he suggests any kind of "plastic wrap"), but I think a condom makes it a little more fun. Nicely photographed how-to, click through for the text steps. Additional fire-condom How-To video further down.

How To: Tie a slip knot

The slip knot, also called a running knot, is a very diverse knot. It's practical application ranges wildly from crochet and knitting to building a noose. The basic function of a slip knot is to create a flexible knot, with one end tied to the middle for greater mobility. Check out this how to video and learn how to tie a slip knot, because you never know when you might need it.