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How To: Make a quick bow in the wilderness

John Campbell, from azbushman, demonstrates how to make a quick bow and arrow in the wilderness by collecting natural materials and constructing them with cord. He starts by finding seep willow (also called coyote willow) that grows in clumps near rivers. He cuts ten willow sticks and ranges their lengths from about five feet down to about one foot, each a couple of inches shorter than the next.

How To: Find & recognize pine resin

In this how-to video, you will learn how to find pine resin on your trees. This is very difficult to find at first, but with the right knowledge, it can be very easy. First, look closely into the tree's bark. Look for an area where there was once a branch. In the center, there will be a material there. This material should be the pine resin. You can dig it out without damaging the tree with a sharp stick or knife. This is how the tree protects itself from damage. It produces pine resin to fil...

How To: Tie a loop in the end of a rope with a bowline knot

This video describes and shows you how to tie a loop in the end of a rope with a bowline knot. A bowline knot is used in rigging by the ground rigger to create a point for the up rigger to have a point to pull up. This is how you create a bowline knot. First you must create a loop in the middle of the knot. With the free end, come up through the loop, then you go around the standing end of the rope and then you move it back through the loop. You pull the knot tight. That is how you create a b...

How To: Use pitch tinder

John Campbell shows us how to use pitch wood to create a fire. This is a good method to use when you have dead pine trees available. Pitch wood can be found in the first three to six inches of a branch of the dead pine tree. This area is covered with pine resin. You want to pick a branch on the dead tree, then cut this branch off from the main trunk. The area closest to the trunk should be soaked with the resin. Next, split the branch in half. Using one half, scrape off a bit of the tinder us...

How To: Locate water in a dry desert water bed

When trying to locate water in a dry desert look around to see if there are any disingenuous trees since these trees are usually near lakes and falls. Once you have located one find a low spot or a damp area near the tree. Using a stick or another tool available dig a hole into the area until you find water. Make sure to keep the edges of the hole your digging nice and round so that the hole won't fall in on it self. When you've found water it should flow into the hole. The water is usable so...

How To: Make a spear for hunting in the wild

This is a method for making a native American free point spear using a bamboo stick, bamboo strips and some commonly found items. First take a sea shell and make a hole in it. Make the hole using a pointed stone and pierce an opening in the shell. Make the hole such that the shell fits the bamboo. Now the bamboo has to be split in half and for this you have to find a common stone which has a sharp edge on one side to split the bamboo. This is a common stone found anywhere. Now you have to tak...

How To: Boil water without pots or pans

This video illustrate how to boil water without pots or pans. Here are the following steps:Step 1: You need fire, water and any plastic container with lid.Step 2: Now take water and fill it in the bottle so that there is no air present in the bottle.Step 3: Now put on the fire and put the seal bottle on fire with a distance of around 12 inch.Step 4: Now let the heat warm up the bottle and be careful while handling the bottle.Step 5: After the water has heated up, bubbles will appear in the bo...

How To: Make a primitive spear in the wild with only a knife

If you are in the wild and have nothing to do, just to play around with your knife , then you should surely watch this video. First, you have to find a knife. After that you must find a good branch or piece of wood that's the same size as a spear. After that you must take the branch or piece of wood and sharpen one of the ends. Then , you must put the sharpened end in the fire so it begins to turn black. After that cut it again and this time cut it so it will be sharp enough to cut. It can se...

How To: Make a compass with household items

This video illustrates us how to make a compass with household items. This process is done by following steps,Step 1Take a needle and rub it to a magnet at least 10 times.Step 2Take a cup and pour water in it.Step 3Now attach the rubbed needle with a paper with the help of a tape.Step 4Put the needle in the cup and place a cellophane paper on the cup and tape it.step 5See the direction to which the needle is pointing and mark it north.Step 6Mark the opposite direction South.Step 7Mark the Eas...

How To: Use a trash bag to supplement water in the desert

This video is about how to supplement water in the desert using a trash bag. You find a tree that is edible and not poisonous and you open the trash bag and place it over a few of the branches with leaves and seal the opening off. Then you take a little cord and tie off the corner of the bag and find something heavy to weigh the branch down. You want to make sure the corner of the bag is down so that all of the water will run down to that corner. When you feel some water in the bag you can cu...

How To: Tie a Plank Hitch bushcraft knot

The video is about creating a plank hitch making use of string and a couple of logs. The video begins with placing a piece of string in a particular pattern on the ground and then placing wood logs on top of it. The string is tied around the logs using a particular knot. The string is pulled tight around the logs and before tying the knot one piece of string is looped twice around the other piece. After the first knot the same process is repeated for the second knot. The video is extremely us...

How To: Purify water 3 different ways

Purify water 3 different waysThere are three water purification methods demonstrated: Chlor floc tablets, 2% tincture of iodine and a MSR hand filter.Gather water into your plastic bottle. Add one chlor floc tablet to one liter of water. Close the top and shake the bottle for one minute. Wait seven to ten minutes. The floculation agent in the tablet takes the dirt out of the water so that it can be separated. Strain the water using a bandana over the cup to trap all loose sediment. The water ...

How To: Make a fishing spear for use in the wild

This video shows you how to make a fishing spear for catching fish or small wildlife in survival situation.To start, you need a sapling about 5 feet long and a knife. Make a raw sharpening of the stick. Then split the log at the tip for a length of 6-8 inches. To split, put the knife on the middle of the sapling, near the tip, and press hard against it. Once it is split, find a twig with the width of a pencil and push it inside the split, making the two halves of the stick form a gap between ...

How To: Start a fire without a lighter

In this how-to video, some children demonstrate one of the techniques for starting a fire when you don't have a lighter, matches, lighter fluid, or anything like that. Here we see how to start a fire using just a 9 volt battery and some steel wool. TO start a fire using just a 9 volt battery and steel wool, you simply rub the steel wool with the 9 volt battery. When you see some sparks, it will ignite into a fire. Then you can get a fire going! It's that simple. And that's hw you can make a f...

How To: Make a bow drill

There are various tools to be made and a number of items to be used during a disaster. One can utilize the wood logs for firewood. A bow drill can be made by just crafting the ends of a long wooden stick into necks so that plastic wires can be notched and it can be used made into a bow. Any stone with holes can be used as a notch. This notch holds the end of the bow drill. The wire of the bow drill can be wrapped in a stick and then vigorous forward and backward movement of the bow drill arou...

How To: Make char cloth with found materials

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a char cloth. The materials required for this process are: cloth, container and tinder. The cloth must be made of any woven, cotton material. Begin by placing the cloth into a container. The container should be a metal material. Then close the container and make a while on top to allow the smoke and flames to escape. Leave the container in some fire and wait for it to finish. Then take it to cool and take out the cloth. Now strike some spark o...

How To: Make a primitive wilderness loom

Staying warm is important to making sure that you survive. Whether it be the end of the world or you find yourself lost in the wilderness, keeping dry and warm is key to survival. In this two part tutorial find out how to make a primitive wilderness loom and a mat to sleep on.

How To: Make & use your own char cloth

Fire is something that no camper or survivalist can be without. There are many different methods that can be used to make a nice warm fire. One way is by using char cloth. So in this four part tutorial, you'll find out how to make your own char cloth and how to use it. Enjoy!

How To: Make & use pitch glue

The wilderness can give you all sorts of different types of material needed to survive. If you need food making a trap can be made with ease, but what if you need glue? Well in this two part tutorial, you'll find out how to make pitch glue with a variety of uses, such as fixing equipment and fletching arrows. Enjoy!

How To: Make a monsoon shelter

Finding yourself lost in the desert is not good news. Especially if you are without food, water, or even shelter. So in this three part video tutorial, you'll find out how to take care of one of your problems: shelter. Find out what it takes to make a monsoon shelter in order to survive in the desert.

How To: Make an arrow and tent pole bow

There's nothing like the great outdoors. The fresh air, the seperation from today's society, and being in a quiet relaxing environment. So in this two part tutorial, for all you nature lovers, find out what it takes to make an arrow and a tent pole bow. Enjoy!

How To: Survive a bite from a cottonmouth snake

Watch this video to learn how to survive a bite from a North-American Cottonmouth snake. If you are ever bitten by a cottonmouth snake, also known as a water moccasin, you would want to follow these steps: 1. Call for emergency assistance. 2. Don't suck out the venom. 3. Don't cover the snake bite. 4. Don't apply a tourniquet or any pressure to the bite. 5. Treat the person for shock. Give them water and make them sit down. 6. When help arrives, get the snake bite victim to the hospital immed...

How To: Survive in a Falling Elevator

The tragedy of a falling elevator is not unheard of. This could happen to you at any time, and you will most likely not be expecting it. Who would step into an elevator if they had an idea it might plummet to the ground? The best thing you can do is be prepared. First you want to stay calm. Next you want to lie, belly down, on the elevator floor with your hands behind your head. Make sure you do not panic. This is crucial in times of crisis. When all is over, you'll notice that you're still a...

How To: Start a fire with char cloth

This video shows the viewer how to start a fire using char cloth and a fire steel. Char cloth is a fabric which burns/smolders very slowly. This makes it very useful for starting fires. The video suggests gathering dried grass. The smoldering chard cloth should then be placed in the middle of the grass. Blowing gently on the char cloth will increase the oxygen reaching the flame so will increase the chances of success. Waving the bundle of straw should also help. Remember to always wear glove...

How To: Construct a door for a debris hut

If you ever get lost in the wilderness, with no shelter you'll be happy that you watched this video beforehand. From Maine Primitive Skills School instructor Mike Douglas shows how to build a door to a shelter made out of debris as well as troubleshoots common problems. Don't lose to the wilderness... beat it with your own survival skills!

How To: Start a fire using flint and birch bark

If you're camping or stuck out in the middle of nowhere, chances are, you could be faced with dark and freezing cold nights. Learn how to make a simple camp fire out of flint and birch bark. This is for in case you do not have a lighter on you at any given time. To start the fire, you're going to need some bark from a birch bark tree. You're also going to need a flint and a paper napkin as well. After you've gathered the proper materials, just look for a barren spot on the ground, place your ...

How To: Make a Hobo Stove

In every wilderness adventure, there needs to be some form of stove, even if it's only a fire. To prepare and heat canned or caught food, the stove is a must! In this two-part video tutorial, learn how to build your very own hobo stove with the help of a few tools: A number 10 tin can, knife, 2 tent sticks, a church key can opener, and a coat hanger.

How To: Make a teepee from an inexpensive tarp

Ever wanted to build a backyard teepee? Here's your chance! In this two-part tutorial, learn how to contruct an inexpensive teepee out of a tarp. Easy to set-up, this teepee is roomy and fun to play in no matter what age you are! If in the wilderness, use this teepee for reliable shelter from cold or warm weather.

How To: Survive an attack in the street

The video describes an easy way to survive an attack from someone in the street. When the assailant grabs your, your first reaction should be to guard against their initial blow. Then, punch them in the groin, grab them around there neck in a sleeper hold type move using your arm to wrap around the back of their head and/or neck. Proceed to knee them hard either in the stomach or groin, and then simply push them off of you presumably giving you enough time to run and escape.

How To: Start a fire using a hand drill

This video explains how to start a fire without matches through the use of a hand drill. To start the fire, the process consists of the use of a straight stick or weed such as goldenrod to be used as a hand drill. Hold the stick between both hands while holding it against a piece of wood which has a notch along the side. Press the hand drill stick against the wood near the notch and proceed to roll the stick between both hands. This action will result in the production of heated ash which wil...

How To: Survive a zombie apocalypse

Worried about a zombie apocalypse? Of course you are, we all are! This tongue in cheek video divulges the steps you'll need to take should zombies begin roaming the earth. Using clips from horror movies, this video shows you the right way to hide from zombies and even explains who you can trust. Learn what weapons work on zombies and how to cripple them and most importantly, destroy their brain! Nobody wants to get bitten by a zombie, learn how to escape, travel and even how to recognize if o...

How To: Survive a knife attack from behind

This video details how to survive a knife threat from behind. When threatened from behind with a knife, do not attempt to move the body first, this will result in the attacker maintaining the capability to thrust the knife into the body. When threatened, place arms out and low in a submissive position, this is to be followed by moving the left arm backward in a sweeping motion to push aside the arm which is holding the knife. Once the arm is moved, turn the body and bring the elbow up into an...

How To: Use a compass with no problems

David Wilcox and Caitlyn Szyska demonstrate how to use a compass without a problem. Parts of a compass include the ring, the orienteering arrow, magnetic needle, direction of travel arrow and declination scale. First, hold the compass out in front of you, making sure you hold it level. Move your whole body and point the direction of travel arrow to the object that you want to reach. Move the ring until the magnetic needle is lined up with the orienteering arrow pointing north. Once they are l...

How To: Easily use a clock as a compass

This how to video explains how to use a clock as a compass if needed. To start, simply place a clock on a flat surface and place a match in the very center of the clock so that the shadow of the match is even with the hour dial. North will be located at the midpoint between the 12 on the clock and wherever the shadow of the match is cast. The video then shows an example of the application by using a piece of paper and a pin. The narrator shows how the user can go about finding where north is ...