Survival Training How-Tos

How To: Tie a snake belly bar knot

The snake belly bar, in essence, is a product of multiple snake belly knots, tied together in series. This great bar makes a great bracelet or strap and is easy to make if you know the right pattern. In this video you will get an up close look at how to tie this knot from start to finish.

How To: Tie a genoese zipper sinnet knot easily

The Genoese Zipper Sinnet is actually a fusion of both the single Genoese Bar and the Zipper Sinnet, obvious reasons for the name. This knot can be great for making a strap, bracelet, or necklace. In this video you will learn how to tie the knot up close and personal, giving the video great detail and insight into the knot tying process.

How To: Harvest amaranth grain (aztec rice)

Amaranth grain is somewhat like rice and was a staple food of the Aztecs. But most seem to grow like weeds and they are tough to harvest as well. If you've found some Amaranth plants and are looking at how to harvest the grain out of them, check out this video. He gives you an explanation of what Amaranth is and how to harvest the grains from it.

How To: Tie a bent solomon bar on a line

The Solomon Bar is one of the more versatile ties in the paracording genre of knot tying. Although most prefer the straight line, in this video you will learn how to tie a bent line in your knot. You will get a full tutorial of the entire process with each step shown up close with extreme detail.

How To: Use a parang knife (Malayan machete) in the tropical wild

If you're ever stuck in the jungles of Southeast Asia, then your only hope for survival is the parang knife, which is a Malayan type machete. This is the ideal tool for the jungle, especially in Malaysia, where the typical vegetation is more woody, and needs something thicker for stronger chopping action. A parang has three different edges: the front is very sharp and used for skinning, the middle is wider and used for chopping, and the back end (near the handle) is very fine and used for car...

How To: Survive on a cold and snowy mountain with a storm shelter

If you can't find your way back from your hike up the snow covered mountain, and there's a winter storm brewing, you better hope you have your storm shelter in your sack! This video will show you what a storm shelter can do for you when stuck up high on a mountaintop with a windy snowstorm coming in. There's not much to it. Just have one on you, any size, rip it out of the bag and cover yourself up.

How To: Tie cylinder, mat and ball Turk's head knots

In this Disaster Preparation video tutorial you will learn how to tie cylinder, mat and ball Turk's head knots. To tie the cylinder, first tie the double coin knot as shown in the video. Then put it around a staff and make the 3-lead 4-bight Turk's Head. After you finish with this, tighten and trim the rope. To tie the 3L4B Turk's Head as a mat, remove the Turk's Head from the staff and follow the steps as shown in the video to make the mat. You can watch the video and learn how to tie the ball.

How To: Make a shirt out of a wool blanket

In this video, we learn how to make a shirt out of a wool blanket. This is great if you need something really warm to sleep in or wear out around. First, design the shirt so it's longer on the back than it is in the front. That way, when you sit down you will have extra wool to help keep you warm. You don't need to sew a collar on it,, because it will just take too much work. Make the arms extra long, depending on how large your blanket is. If it's too long, you can fold the ends over, or cov...

How To: Prepare yourself for a major disaster

In this video, we learn how to prepare yourself for a major disaster. If you haven't planned ahead for storing water, you are going to be in big trouble. Your first option is to go purchase liters of water from the grocery store. The recommended quantity to store is 1 gallon per person per day. If you don't want to spend money at the store, you just need to fill up empty bottles with water from the tap and store these after cleaning. You can also fill the water in a large jug, just make sure ...

How To: Tie a Great Hangman's Noose (Or Hangman's Knot)

The hangman's noose is infamous for its use in hanging prisoners during executions. It was supposedly invented in Britain but eventually spread throughout the world, going beyond the prisons and even into our own homes. But the hangman's knot isn't all doom and gloom. There are plenty of practical (and non-lethal) applications for the hangman's knot, like a fishing or boating knot. Everyone should know this roped knot; this tutorial will show you the knot-tying process. Just remember, to be a...

How To: Be prepared for outdoor disaster

Whether it's a political or economic collapse, a natural disaster or even the zombie apocalypse, follow these outdoor survival tips to make sure you are prepared! Learn how to make a shelter in the wildnerness, proper preparation techniques for supplies, and become a better survivalist!

How To: Tie a paracord storage sinnet

In this video, we learn how to tie a paracord storage sinnet. First, coil up the paracord and then form a bight with the working part at the top of the coils. Next, create a loop from the bight and pull the loose part underneath this and pull it underneath the loop you created. Now, tighten the new loop up and then take the loose part and place it underneath to create a new loop. Push this through the other loop, then tighten with the loose end. This is a very difficult knot to do and is not ...

How To: Tie the longhorn knot

In this video, we learn how to tie the longhorn knot. First, make a spike with your rope, then push the rope around it and through it, making a circle. Then, push the loops on the bottom down and make a pretzel shape with it. Bring the left hand side string down and pull it through the loop, then do the same with the other side. Next, pull the strings on the top up to make larger loops, then pull the string through the left loop. Now, do this to the other side of the rope as well. To finish t...

How To: Easily survive in the woods

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to survive in the woods. When camping in the woods, users should always think about bring the essentials: water, food and clothing. It is recommended that users have a water bag store a large amount of water. Bring one or more coolers to preserve food and/or keep drink cool. Make sure to plan the foods that you will eat for the day. Bring a small portable grill to cook food. Dress in layers of clothing to endure hot or cold weather. This video will be...

How To: Make a neck knife survival kit

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a neck knife survival kit. This is good to have so you can use it for eating and making shelter as well as protect against wild animals. The neck knife should be a small kit and able to hide underneath a shirt. It should be adjustable with a paracord knot so you can make sure it doesn't snag against something. The knife should be a simple one that has a decent point on it. Make sure the pouch that the knife is in is thick enough not to let the knife poin...

How To: Tie the basket weave knot

In this video, we learn how to tie the basket weave knot. First, place the string on a hook, then cross the two sides and make a loop. Next, make the loop wider and take the right and left strings up, then pull the loops down to make a pretzel shape. Now, twist the bottom loops around and place one on top of the other. After this, push them on either side of each other, then bring the right string around and loop it through the left loop, then bring the left string into the right bottom loop....

How To: Tie the Celtic heart knot

In this video, we learn how to tie the Celtic heart knot. Start off with your rope and make a loop in the middle of it. Now, bring the working en on the right side into the loop so you have a circle. Now, bring that end back into the knot and braid it through the other loop. Next, push this through the bottom loop, then braid it through the lines that are on the shape. After this, you will see a heart shape start to form. Pull gently on the heart with both sides of the rope and shape the midd...

How To: Do useful survival knots

In this tutorial, we learn how to do useful survival knots. To make the sheet bend knot, you will join two different ropes together. First, make two loops, one on each end of the separate ropes. Next, take one of the ends and insert it into the other. After this, take the loose end and push it through the loops. After this, pull it tight and you have your sheet bend knot! The next knot is the bowline knot, which is a secure loop knot. First, make a loop in the rope, then take the smaller end ...

How To: Make a banded solomon bar fob

The Solomon Bar is one of the most popular ways to incorporate paracord into a tie. The following video shows how to generate the banded bar, a dual-colored Solomon bar design. This video will show you how it's done! It's easy. So easy, in fact, that this clip can present a complete overview of the process in about 5 minutes' time. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Use a compass and map

This video tutorial is in the Disaster Preparation category which will show you how to use a map style compass. The first thing is to get your bearings by sight without a map. The arrow on the compass represents the direction of travel, the N on the compass dial is the compass North and the red needle points to the magnetic North. First align the compass N with the magnetic North. Now say you want to go 90 degrees East. Next you align 90 degrees with your direction of travel arrow. Rotate the...

How To: Tie a Swiss seat rope harness

If you want to go down the sides of mountains or walls like the military does, then check out this next tutorial! In this video, you'll find out how to tie a Swiss seat rope harness. This easy to follow video talks about what you need to do in order to tie this harness and how you can use it when climbing up or down things.

How To: Keep your tinder dry & make a tinder carrier

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a tinder carrier that will keep the tinder dry. To make a tinder carrier, users can simply by a small cheap tin can. Then cut an X-shape in the side of the can to allow you to burn and blow on the winder. Now place the tinder in the can. The tin can can be used to store the tinder for dryness, and conduct fire with the tinder. This video will benefit those viewers who are planning to camp, and would like to learn how to make a tinder carrier t...

How To: Make a trapeze spring snare to catch small game

Ryan teaches us how to make a trapeze spring snare to catch small game in this video. You will need: finishing line, a knife, paracord, and natural living wood. the trap will have two snares built into one mechanism. Start off by gathering all your wood and then place a stake down into the ground. Make a notch in your anchor to place a stick through it, then tie paracord down into a "y" shape tied down onto the stick. When you pull the string, there will be a lot of tension. Tie the center so...

How To: Make fire with a bow drill

Do you consider yourself a survivalist? Well, you can't be a survival expert if you don't know how to start a fire without a match or lighter. The bow drill is an ancient tool for making fire. The bow rotates the drill, and the friction produces enough heat to start a fire.